Functionality Is Temporarily Unavailable Please Try Again Later Schwab

Reports also come from these locations:
Ephrata, Pennsylvania; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Washington, District of Columbia; West Palm Beach, Florida; Shreveport, Louisiana; Clarksville, Tennessee; Shirley, New York.

I have a problem with Schwab    or join Reddit-like issues discussion

Chris 20 hours ago  # 24 May 2022
StreetSmart Central has been really slow during market hours for the last couple of months, it's almost unusable as a trading platform during the day. The performance is fine during off hours. Since I use the platform from a number of different locations and I have extremely fast internet, I'm 100% certain it's schwab that's having the problems and the problem is not on my end. This has been very frustrating and has really been only the last 2 months, previous to that I didn't have any performance issues with StreetSmart Central.

Aaron 12 days ago  # 14 May 2022
Opened an account 3d later on a thursday I went to branch to deposit check(from my CS retirement). First time using Schwab which is why I went in person instead of using the app. Everything went fine. Deposit posted on Friday and was on hold til Monday. I was told funds were available to me via email on Tuesday. So I leave 1k in BA and xfer 1500 into checking & wire 500 to my landlord. Last email was my receipt of wire transfer. Tried to login later that night, could not, and I needed to call for verification. I did. Was asked all the security questions and that they sent an email to "that department" Assured me Friday but 3 to 5 days was the official timeframe. Monday night still locked out, called Tuesday spoke to manager who was going to contact them to get me an answer and will call me back. Waited 2 days, still no callback and unable to login. Called again this morning. 9am spoke to Manager and was told the same thing and how sorry she was and agreed this shouldn't take this long and is going to get to the bottom of it and call me. It's 8pm. Tomorrow is Saturday. They've kept all of my money for the 2 weeks. Bills are overdue and this was my emergency stash..... Called 4 different numbers, still haven't got anyone who can resolve anything at all. Advice please! Beyond stressed out and frustrated

Marvin 13 days ago  # 13 May 2022
Having continual problems logging into Streetsmart Central; been that way for 2-3 weeks. Anyone else having trouble?

Brenda 39 days ago  # 16 April 2022
I can't login to see my brokerage account today April 16, 2022. Anyone else having same problem?

Debbie 49 days ago  # 7 April 2022
Link above works. thank you!!

Kat 51 days ago  #
Copy/pasting someone else's comment since it's the same as my own...
Attempting to open the schwab app 4 April 2022 it wants me to create a passcode. But I have been using the passcode system for several years

Everybody's Got One 58 days ago  #
Attempting to open the Schwab app 28 Mar 2022 it wants me to create a passcode. But I have been using the passcode system for several years. Schwab has not announced a change or reboot, so it looks like the app has been compromised by hackers who put a new GUI in place to steal my info.

DG 119 days ago  #
I couldn't log in to Schwab on Monday, Jan. 24. I tried again on Tuesday, and
remarkably I was able to enter a new password, which was then accepted!
Very strange.

A. C. Davis 203 days ago  #
Cannot log in for several days. States cannot connect to server.

BR 222 days ago  #
Date & time should have been Friday "15th" October 14.45 GMT.

BR 222 days ago  #
Friday 10th October 14.45 GMT "Log-in failed: cannot locate server information". Had this yesterday as well. Have uninstalled the Schwab SSE softeware and inrestalled a new download and it still comes up with the exact same error message.

j 223 days ago  #
cant login on streetsmart edge. websites login works

Pepper 250 days ago  #
Can't log in to the website or the app. Grrrrrr.

Chris 292 days ago  #
I called Schwab in NY. Learned that the app is down. They are aware and working on the issue.

Guest 292 days ago  #
503 error code when trying to log into app

Guest 292 days ago  #
Cant log into App. Schwab phone message says currently down.

yo mama 292 days ago  #

Guest 362 days ago  #
2FA text and call not available

Dan 379 days ago  #
Trying to log on but the @ sign in the email address is not recognized.

Bb 407 days ago  #
Keep getting The Login ID or Password is invalid. Even when I copy and paste to make sure it's right.

Marko 421 days ago  #
"Feature temporarily unavailable." when trying to log-in on the website. App seems to be working fine.

William 426 days ago  #
Website login says feature unavailable

zguest 435 days ago  #
Can't login to street smart/ Cleared cache, rebooted, hep!

Guest 443 days ago  #

Feature temporarily unavailable when try to login :(

DD 460 days ago  #
website works but app doesn't

Susan 460 days ago  #
Site won't come up to log in

Greg 460 days ago  #
02/19/21 8:10am-8:30am(now) is not responding.

ChuckNY 461 days ago  #
It's horrible... Firefox *never* works, and Edge *might* work, but in almost every case, with any browser, all you get is "feature temporarily unavailable"

What's really weird, is I'll go through the password reset process, and reset the password. Then, in the same minute, trying to log in with the new password on the very browser with which I changed the password, it won't accept it!!! Always the same, "feature temporarily unavailable"

If it weren't for my financial advisor who chose to use Schwab, I'd definitely go elsewhere!

b 468 days ago  #
havent been able to log in, let alone go on for day 2 now smh. You think they would at least send out an email

Guest 469 days ago  #
Schwab is getting worse by the week. This year already had 3 times "unable to login" for 30+ minutes.

Yikes 482 days ago  #
The hedgers are manipulating the market now. Also can't trade on robinhood the GME battle is ragging most platforms can't trade. Tried to put in a trade with schwab for nok it claims no such stock the same with fcel just to see if it's doing this with all stock and it is.

darren 483 days ago  #
working now

Darren 483 days ago  #
Can't trade. Doesn't recognize symbol of a stock I hold. Very slow.

Ernie 483 days ago  #
Charles Schwab appears to be a scam broker . Do business elsewhere !!!

guest 483 days ago  #
cant trade. had two different phone calls dropped

Gordon 483 days ago  #
Not possible to trade on edge and phones automatically disconnect caller. Not great service and this is not a 1x thing.

Asking for name on open Internet??? 483 days ago  #
Cannot place any trade. Cannot cover any positions. "Security not recognized" my foot.

Jos 483 days ago  #
Move your money to another broker, don't do business here !!!

ernest 483 days ago  #
Charles Schwab needs help, they cannot handle the web work load. It is impossible to place a trade n the morning. Time to transfer to another broker.

Defor 485 days ago  #
Streetsmart Edge would not accept a buy order on TSLA. It kept saying invalid symbol. The app seems to be getting more and more unstable. Does anyone at Schwab read this?

Guest 502 days ago  #
Can login again as of this now (2021-01-08 16:12:00 UTC)

Guest 502 days ago  #
Can't login. "Feature temporarily unavailable". Even the chat system doesn't work. Frustrating.

CH 503 days ago  #
Can't log into website from laptop. "Feature temporarily unavailable." Phone app fine.

mark 513 days ago  #
website down - 28 dec.

guest 527 days ago  #
Impossible to chat and ask question. I've been disconnected several times. I gave up phone help.

guest 527 days ago  #
My checking account has been erased from my accounts summary. The same is true for my son's account. It is as if it never existed. Where is our money??

Esala 527 days ago  #

V408 527 days ago  #
Also no help is available through Phone or chat. So ridiculous.

na 527 days ago  #
schwab errors keep piling up!!! Everyday it's something new.

Guest 1234 527 days ago  #
Log in error

V408 527 days ago  #
Can't trade anything at the moment. Error "Symbol not available"

Guest 527 days ago  #
login issue

Guest 527 days ago  #
While placing order, symbol lookup not working

Guest 527 days ago  #
Login and access code functionality not working

guest 527 days ago  #
Can't buy or sell "incorrect symbol" message

mark 532 days ago  #
loggin problems. cant loggin says invalid username and password

Reed 532 days ago  #
Cant loggin. tried all i could. this is absolutely shameful and ridiculous

Common cents 562 days ago  #
Absolutely ridiculous. Can't get through, no answers on trades. Schwab makes millions of dollars and they can't keep enough people in the seats or their tech updated enough to handle busy days. NO YOU SHOULDN"T TRADE at Schwab. I'm glad their stock price is going up while all their client's loose their butts.

Jim Tirjan 562 days ago  #
I can't log in to my accounts, Any idea when this will be fixed? he notification says technical issues have been resolved. Definitely not the case with my account.

Paw 562 days ago  #
Been sitting on the phone for 30 minutes, it just dropped me... Schwab had better get the lead out and FIX THEIR PROBLEMS!

Invest_It 562 days ago  #
That's is changing brokers
Lost more than $1 per share on RKT and already $.70 per share on DFEN. I knew I was trading those this morning, haven't looked at the rest to see how much I've lost

Wingnut 562 days ago  # just reported multiple companies with online training and account issues this morning.

Don 562 days ago  #
Phones are not working, live chat's aren't working, and internet leads to dead ends. Been at it now for over an hour.

Wingnut 562 days ago  #
I can't login, and wife tried to execute a trade and web response was that the "security symbol" wasn't recognized. Very weird. Their 800 number goes to a busy signal. Maybe Watch Dogs hacked them?

Ralph Gambale 562 days ago  #
I tried contacting them since be opening bell and nothing. This as ridiculous. by bringing you the latest I would imagine we could put together a class action lawsuit. If I seem to be an important day for a lot of people to try to change their securities and sell etc..

Daleen DuPlessis 562 days ago  #
worse than Robin Hood - unstable platform loosing money as I cannot close trades, it does not recognize tickers (DIA???) no doubt we will not be compensated for their incompetence but yes the C-suite will continue raking in millions

Eric Steckler 562 days ago  #
Guess I will be investing in a new mattress or two, the time honored safest place and for good reason.

Invest_It 562 days ago  #
Almost 20,000 people have reported an issue, logging in, executing a trade,..... We are all losing money.

Steve Domen 562 days ago  #
Beyond unacceptable. I will be moving my accounts and splitting them up. Bye bye Schwab after 30 years!!!!

Marley Sugar 562 days ago  #
Phones are not working, live chat's aren't working, and internet leads to dead ends. Been at it now for about an hour. Local branches are still unavailable because of COVID.

Ginny 562 days ago  #
Clear your browser cache. I got in after I did that.

Trevor Brown 562 days ago  #
cannot sell my 10,000 shares of LLY. Might be good.

Arthur 562 days ago  #
anyone else having problems logging into their mobile app? can't get a hold of anyone on the phone and can't reset password

Joao 562 days ago  #
There needs to be some sort of compensation.

Dusty Trail 562 days ago  #
Dallas, TX - Finally got logged in only to find I was unable to execute a market order. The error was "The Trading System Is Unavailable" ... now it appears that the system is responding but only after the market pull back and and loss of profit taking. I'm in touch with my Schwab representative to express my frustration and possible loss of my entire portfolio.

pbeer8 562 days ago  #
got in now, using edge in the "cloud" on a Mac

Ralph Gambale 562 days ago  #
I've been waiting months to sell my JetBlue position and now it finally went up and I can't sell because of their system is down. This is obsurd. Now that JBLU is down I can. Place an order WTF. I had an error this security is not recognized when I tried to place an order with a trailing stop when it up one up to $15,97.

Eric Steckler 562 days ago  #
how do we notify the media? CNBC, Fox Business? This horrific incident needs to be have the light shined on it

JC 562 days ago  #
Cannot close positions, customer service not responding.

pbeer8 562 days ago  #
No message as to what they think is happening. Logon just tells you that you're doing it wrong. Surely they could tell us more than this dead phone syndrome.

Ed Wu 562 days ago  #
Trades went through but it didn't confirm when submitting But trading works. Just try to submit it.

Trader 562 days ago  #
..same, can't execute trade, no one is answering phone calls

Farideh J 562 days ago  #
I cannot login into my Charles Schwab account and none of their 24/7 contact phone number answer my calls. From all days they choose today that people are worried their retirement funds go down because of result of election to stop people from trading. I already lost a lot of money, this is not acceptable.

Nventex DBA 562 days ago  #
From their website:

"We're currently experiencing delays in the reporting of trade executions and cancel requests. This is strictly a reporting issue and does not affect trade execution. Please do not place trades again, as duplicate orders may be created. We're working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience. For assistance, please call 800-435-4000. If you're calling from outside the U.S., click the phone icon at the top of this page for contact information."

Keith Kontny 562 days ago  #
Just able to place a trade. Central Florida

Bo Luoh 562 days ago  #
Be aware that the orders you placed are in place and could execute but you cannot see those order in order status. Schwab ask people do not place new orders. And your duplicate orders can be executed already and will send the notice in the end of the day.

Sturg 562 days ago  #
Why isn't this on CNBC?? doesn't matter if your retail investor getting screwed per usual

Bob Montgomery 562 days ago  #
Please do not be angry, Now is the time we should come together and heal. There is nothing we can't do.

John Presley 562 days ago  #
Done with Schwab after today, just lost a huge trade here in San Antonio, not answering phones

Diane Wendling 562 days ago  #
Dallas, TX - I was finally able to sell

Leo 562 days ago  #
Just got in keep trying to log in mobile app down

ByteME 562 days ago  #
Was able to login but can't place trades, I lost so much money because of this

Kevin 562 days ago  #
Finally able to login. Cannot sell, wont recognize ticker. I hope to see this in the news later today.

Kto213 562 days ago  #
Notice that other firms had a spike in issues at the exact same time. Bet it's a larger shared infrastructure issue.

John Lopez 562 days ago  #
This brokerage is an unequivocal piece of trash. Signed up with them two weeks. Worst customer service, they're agents don't know a thing about options and now this. They're complete Trash!

G Murray 562 days ago  #
All 3 platform I use, corporate number and local office number not working...killing my business Schwab.

sam 562 days ago  #
I thought I was the only one with issues. Cant login, says my auto login info is incorrect, NO ONE is picking up the phone...pretty embarrassing

Kent 562 days ago  #
Also ALL down, can't login via mobile app or PC browser. They have no recording to say what's going on. Chat, phone web all down. This is worrisome and bad timing for sure.

j_m_h 562 days ago  #
Clearly they had a major system crash at open. Was logged in an at 9:31 attempted to close a position. Got the invalid symbol error several times. Then tried logging out and back in -- invalid account info.

Get the same problem with the phone. Can at least leave message for my AM.

Mychal Berry 562 days ago  #
They seem to still be processing purchase orders. Got an email notification for one of my trades completed this morning, but cannot access.

John 562 days ago  #
I placed orders this morning. They filled at open. Then I am shut down. I can't make contact with Charles Schwab. This is not good. No emails to my system accept the trades were made with phone notifications. Otherwise, I have no control

Cole McCracken 562 days ago  #
Login Error. Nice. I had a nice list of stocks I wanted to buy this morning. Now I can't login. We should get reimbursed for this bs.

Jack Naughtin 562 days ago  #
I logged back into schwab but now unable to make trades - symbol not found. minnesota

Ryan 562 days ago  #
be careful, we never know when its going to go back down

Linda 562 days ago  #
This is ridicules! This seems to happen every time there is a big swing - that way the insiders can make their money and we are stuck on the side-lines! Buy some FASTER CPUs you cheap bozos!

Envx 562 days ago  #
Done with Schwab after today. Unacceptable.

CityofOaksResident 562 days ago  #
Hell of a time for their site to crash. Pretty terrible on their part.

JA 562 days ago  #
This is crazy. I want to login to make my plan for today.

Alexis P 562 days ago  #
Also down, can't login via mobile app or PC browser. Market alerts are still coming through though, crooks.

Kid killiran 562 days ago  #
They have no recording to say what's going on. Chat, phone web all down. This is worrisome

Rhonda Sue Walker 562 days ago  #
Not only can't I log in, None of the phone numbers are working. Total shut-down

Eric Rehbe 562 days ago  #
I can't logon and website help isn't sending access codes. Tried phone told twice my info is wrong and told to hold on.

Mark Tannenbaum 562 days ago  #
Most of Schwab is now done via the cloud which has been unreliable to say the least for the past few weeks. I also use Interactive Brokers which basically almost never goes down. Unfortunately Schwab has become unstable and it's a crap shoot to even use them in the first 5 minutes after the open however today takes the cake . A few weeks ago I could not get notification on trade confirmations or cancellation via Street Smart , had to get them from the web site.

Lost Sales 562 days ago  #
Thanks J, was also able to get in on the app, too bad NCHL has dropped 4 pts since trying to sell this am. missed opportunity, thanks Chuck!!

charlie 562 days ago  #
get now log on but the trading desk is not working.

Guest 562 days ago  #
Can't get any one on the has me on a 60+ min hold...this is not what I pay for!

Rob 562 days ago  #
Cant log in. Says invalid Id and password. Reset methods don't work

Lost Sales 562 days ago  #
Come on Schwab, say something!! Hello? Schwab?....

J 562 days ago  #
App is working now

gerry kol 562 days ago  #
Was logged in earlier, but couldn't place trade...symbol not recognized. Now can't log in. Phane rings but then hangs up.

ck 562 days ago  #
Been trying to log in for 20 minutes - says my log in ID and PW are wrong... frustrating.

Jay 562 days ago  #
Same issue here. This is a major failure. App, website, phones, chat. Nothing is working on the best possible day.

Guest 562 days ago  #

Me 562 days ago  #
Cut their hands off ! who would pay for the losses

AL 562 days ago  #
I cannot log in. First I am told my Login and PW don't match. They I am told that it is temporarily unavailable.

AKS 562 days ago  #
unable to login to schwab today.

<Guest> 562 days ago  #
<Website and app>

MTB 562 days ago  #
Can't login, Indices aren't updating on page

Marijn 810 days ago  # website is not working for me, please help me make sure it works. Thanks. I have an a107 using intermetric transmission. But when I install the balancer, I notice the automatic control flaps would start to move downward in the AM mode. How can I remove the Balancer/Automatic Control flaps from the a107? The site requires the use of the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) feature. This is available only in Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher. But what is I can't update the browser? What else can I do? Please help me, because I really don't know what to do.

Twitter Reports

Latest outage, problems and issue reports from Twitter:

@CoachChinea   RT @EightOneCapital: The 1st quarter of 2022 is in the books. There has been quite a bit of inconsistency with inflation, the war in Ukrai read the source
50 days ago 5 April 2022

@EightOneCapital   The 1st quarter of 2022 is in the books. There has been quite a bit of inconsistency with inflation, the war in Ukraine, and supply chain issues. Checkout this article for a Q1 wrap-up.#financialplanning #Q1 #EightOneCapital read the source
50 days ago 5 April 2022

@2Patra   #smallbiz #remoteworkers Tax traps and tricks if you work from home read the source
83 days ago 4 March 2022

@CharlesSchwab   @SWMDUSA Hello! Schwab continues to monitor this developing space and meets frequently with industry participants. For the protection of clients and the firm, we remain patient, as concerns persist around critical issues. Additional information is available here: . read the source
197 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @bitcoinroberto Hello! Schwab continues to monitor this developing space and meets frequently with industry participants. For the protection of clients and the firm, we remain patient, as concerns persist around critical issues. Additional information is available here: read the source
268 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @zaneruns Hello Zane, we are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@1smileirish   RT @CharlesSchwab: @TraderGoated We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We read the source
292 days ago

@1smileirish   RT @CharlesSchwab: @RED_369_ Hello Red, we are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this ti read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @RED_369_ Hello Red, we are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @TraderGoated We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@ShawnAJefferson   RT @CharlesSchwab: We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @jnlskv We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@Venturinglist   RT @CharlesSchwab: @AllinJones We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We ar read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @AllinJones We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @CaptinInsano_69 We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @LukasRidge We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @Rilespuss We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @ScottFadynich We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   @razielmcallen We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago

@CharlesSchwab   We are aware that some clients may be experiencing login issues on the Schwab mobile app at this time. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. As an alternative, clients can log in to We apologize for any inconvenience. read the source
292 days ago


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